More snow this morning. It is wet and sticky, clinging to every surface that it touches, whether horizontal or vertical.
I seem to talk about the weather on this blog an awful lot, but we have had more snow this winter than any year since my daughters, who are now adults and I dare not divulge their ages, were in Kindergarten and nursery school.
DH came across an interesting article titled "Forget Global Warming" yesterday in his perusal of the news on the internet. I had seen in other sources that our snow fall for this winter is above average. That is a good thing, maybe the Great Lake's level will come back up a bit this winter. I have long thought the global warming panic was a bunch of bunk. I agreed that yes it is possible we are in for an period of slightly warmer weather, it has happed before in recorded history. There have been periods when it was warmer than it is now, and periods when it was colder. But I have always been of the school of thought that the cycles of the sun spots and natural changes in weather were more responsible than humans could be. I have read that the sun has been in a period of rather active sun spots. I do not remember how long that has been but I do know that AM radio reception has been very poor for several years as a result. This article reports scientists from Canada, Europe, Russia, and the US. are suggesting that the fact that the sun spots have now subsided and the sun is now very quiet will lead to global cooling. The most recent mini-ice age that lasted about 400 years coincided with a period of low sun spot activity. The melted polar ice cap is now back and snow is deeper, this winter, all around the northern hemisphere than it has been in decades. China is having the most sever winter they have experienced in decades.
Only time will tell - but the media and politicians love to make a crisis out of everything. And I am not going to worry about the seas boiling or the glaciers overcoming my home.
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