Friday, March 7, 2008


Speaking of birds - (see the post about the eagle cam earlier today) - we have had two intersting visitors to our front yard. Two Robins Wednesday morning. But more exciting, a couple of days earlier a Red Shouldered Hawk landed in the front yard and then hopped up on the stump I have sun dial mounted on. The stripped tail was very evident. After sitting there awhile he flew up to the power pole and surveyed the area for a few minutes before flying off to the east. The buffy color under his wings was very visible.

Now the Robins are supposed to be the first bird of spring and maybe this year they are. But a few Robins have been staying in the area all winter for the last few years. This year they may have all left and are now returning. But I think of the true first bird of spring as the Red Wing blackbird.

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