Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Ok I'll play Friday Five. I have been watching my daughter play for quite a while and though I am not a RevGal I am the mother of a member so here goes.

1. Do you make New Year resolutions?

Nope. I am not good at keeping resolutions so they just turn into a way to feel guilty.

2. Is this something you take seriously, or is it a bit of fun?

I really don't think about them much since I don't make them.

3. Share one goal for 2008.

Figure out how to have a garden and travel too.

4. Money is no barrier, share one wild/ impossible dream for 2008

Buy land and build a Church building for our three year old Church that is meeting in a rented office space that is too small and badly laid out for use as a Church.

5. Someone wants to publish a story of your year in 2008, what will the title of that book be?

Travels with Duncan.


Processing Counselor said...

Hire a responsible preteen to water the garden and go, go go! Good play!

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Welcome to the FF! Great play!

Jan said...

I'm glad you played!