Sunday, January 13, 2008


DDHH - OK deer season is over and Dear Deer Hunting Husband got his deer so now Dear Husband shall be DH to save a couple of key strokes.

DH took Duncan out for his early morning walk, before it is light of course this time of year it is still dark at 6:30. Duncan usually throws himself down on the grass and scrubs his back. DH thought nothing of it THIS morning until dear puppy Duncan stood up and PPHHHEEWWW he had found something stinky to roll in. So silly puppy who hates to be alone in relegated to the outdoor run until he can be given a bath later today, after Church. That may change some plans for later in the day. He will have to stay in where it is warm until he is completely dry so we may just skip the pot luck we were planning on. Not all bad maybe we can have the girls over for pasties for dinner.

Ah the joys of dog ownership.

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