Today was cold and sharp with the sun periodically peeking through the clouds. No well packed snowballs for Duncan to chase. Today there were chunks of snow to toss, not nearly as much for for either of us. The feeder was visited by Red Breasted Nuthatches, Juncos and Chickadees in great numbers, an occasional Blue Jay and male Cardinal and of course House Sparrows and House Finches. Today I did not see the Tree Sparrow that I brought in to recover in a closed cardboard box in the warmth of the house for a couple of hours after he hit the window yesterday. He was beautiful with his rusty cap and the intricate pattern of browns, from dark to buff, on his wings and back feathers edged with white. After a rest he flew to a lower branch of the big spruce by the dog run. I have found that if I either warm them in my hands or keep them warm and give them a quiet place to rest for a while out of the snow, birds that strike the windows often survive to fly away.
I ventured out into the world for the first time since the New Years eve storm. There was considerably more snow to the south but the roads had been plowed and were passable. Driving south on Hosner Rd toward the barn I wished I had my camera with me. Snow clung to tree branches. Their dark silhouettes against the tatters of pink and gray clouds that let the light blue sky peek through, were beautiful.
1 comment:
So glad to hear the little guy made it. :)
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