Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I am sitting cuddled beneath the covers with Pink Flamingo plugged into a phone line and the power and learning how to use a laptop. Here the screen that seemed very dark yesterday in a brightly lighted library is very bright in a bedroom with the curtains drawn on a cloudy snowy day.

DH rose early this morning to take the car back to the dealer to have the parking brake cable fixed. Seems they NEVER have all the parts you need when you go the first time. So it means a return trip to the dealer. Not only time but over an hour drive and the fuel that it takes. Thankfully it is diesel so it gets 50 miles to the gallon but of course now that we are burning ultra low sulfur diesel fuel just like the Europeans have been burning for decades the price will stay very high - above $3.50 a gallon closer to $4.00 usually. So I have less sympathy for those people who burn gas (like us in White One) that hovers around $3.00. Oh well no one seems to have changed their lives because of the price of gas. Drivers that are going to make jack rabbit starts and race around you are clearly not concerned about the price they pay at the pump other than to complain. There is not enough concern to make much change in driving habits.

DH is back. Time to get out of bed and shut down Pink Flamingo so we can go to town and do some shopping and run an errand.

I am feeling better after taking a pain reliever and relaxing for the moring.

1 comment:

Josephine- said...

Actually accelerating quickly so you can get into those high speed (high efficiency) gears more quickly is MORE fuel efficient then staying in low gears longer...


Just saying...