Wednesday, January 16, 2008

EEK! well maybe

Egads! Daughter posted this on her blog so I "bit". Pretty accurate except for that last bit. Well maybe my head is a bit odd, but stoner? What do YOU think daughter mine?

What Your Pizza Reveals

Your appetite is pretty average. You don't go overboard - but you don't deprive yourself either.

You aren't particularly picky about pizza. It's so good... how could you be? You fit in best in the Western part of the US.

You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods.

You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices.

You are carefree and friendly. You should consider traveling to Hawaii.

The stereotype that best fits you is stoner. You're a little wacky in the head, even if you don't touch drugs.

1 comment:

Josephine- said...

Heheh, I take the 5th!

What possible topping could have gotten you THAT result?